Choose 150w high bay LED Lights rather than 400w MH or Fluorescent Lights
If you are planning to lighten the newly constructed industrial units such as warehouses of factories or looking for some enhancement in the existing lighting structure, then you can refer to LED high bay Lights as these lights are effective enough to illuminate even the higher ceiling places as well where the normal high bay lights are unable to reach. These LED high bay lights are specially designed to make the indoor high ceilings commercial and industrial places more lighten and appealing, these lights can be installed at various places including warehouses, manufacturing facilities, gymnasiums among many other places as well.
Since there are so many LED high bay lights available in the market, you can installĀ 150w high bay LED UFO lights at the commercial places where the ceiling height is greater than 15 feet to enjoy great amount of savings in case they are replaced with traditional form of lights.
Advantages of installing 150W high bay LED lights inside the commercial places are as follows
More Brightness
On consuming less watts of energy as well, theseĀ 150w high bay LED lights produce more amount of illumination and by replacing the traditional form of lights with these energy efficient inside warehouses or at any other place as well, you can reduce the energy bills manifolds. For instance, you can use these 150w high bay LED lights whose lumen output is 20098 lumens instead of using 400w MH fixtures, then without compromising on the lighting quality at all, you will be able to make more savings.
Longer lifespan
Since it becomes difficult to make changes in the lights that are installed at higher ceiling places, it is advisable to install theseĀ 150w high bay LED lights that can work for more number of hours, at least 50,000 hours or even more than that as well.
So replace the existing warehouse halogen light fixtures with these LED fixtures that keep on getting damaged on the regular period of time, thus affecting the work and you have to bear huge losses in business as well. Install these high bay LED lights that can support the lighting system at your place for more number of years.
Wider beam angle
Illuminating the inside places at factories or other commercial places require bright and powerful lights that have the ability to lighten even the extreme corner places as well. Forgetting this purpose solved, you can only trust LED high bay lights that will surely provide better and uniform lighting covering all the extreme corner places as well along with removing all the dark spots completely. For instance, if you are installingĀ 150w high bay LED lights at industrial places, you can keep the entire place lighted since the beam angle of these lights is 120 degree that can make the entire place look lighten and visible.
So switch to theseĀ 150w high bay LED lights if the height of the indoor ceiling is more than 15 feet or even more than that as well; due to all these benefits, more and number of businesses is installing these LED high bay lights by replacing these traditional form of lighting fixtures. Make the lighting changes by installing these lights that can work for at least 50,000 hours and with very less lumen depreciation till the end of its lifespan.