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LED Security Lights- Myths, Misconceptions And Solutions

LED Security Lights- Myths, Misconceptions And Solutions - LEDMyPlace
LED Security Lights- Myths, Misconceptions And Solutions - LEDMyPlace
LED Security Lights- Myths, Misconceptions And Solutions - LEDMyPlace
LED Security Lights- Myths, Misconceptions And Solutions - LEDMyPlace

Everybody wants to secure their home. Everyone has their own understanding of what a secure home is all about. 

What comes to your mind when you hear the term “home security lighting”?

The first thing image that comes to mind is a high lumen output light fixture mounted on the top of the pole. Well, that is not even the beginning. There are huge misconceptions about security lighting. The demerits are all about old lights(fluorescents, incandescents, and HPS lamps), and later, we will talk about the best replacement of these lightings. 

Well lit premises are more secure than unlit ones- 

YES and NO. Swedish city Övertorneå saw a decrease of 50% by switching the lights off in the night. In the early seventies, the public-school system in San Antonio, Texas, shut all their light in the night in every part of the campus. They saw a dramatic decrease in the number of crime incidents. 

Brighter is Safer-

Yes, brightness and lighting make you feel safe, but that’s it. They only make you “feel” safe. In some cases, they have done the opposite. A 2015 study published by an esteemed journal found that streetlights don’t cut the number of crimes. Taking this a step further, they also found that there is no correlation between the two. Outdoor lighting is there to decrease the number of crimes, but too much of brightness is risky. 

Too much brightness creates glare. Glares are not eye-pleasing at all. Glares make it challenging to see the crimes, and criminals take advantage of glares. 

Brightness V/S visibility- 

Both are correlated to each other but not proportionate. More brightness does not mean more visibility. There are other factors like color temperatures, to consider for this. Old incandescent and fluorescent lamps emit yellow beams. These beams have the wrong color temperature, and the colors they render are not reliable. 

What Is The Ultimate Replacement? 

LEDs and LED security lighting are the answer to all these problems. 

LED pole lights come with great addition-

LED security lights are not only an excellent replacement for the old lightings, and they are more feature-rich. With some additions, no matter how dark or dim the conditions are, you will get alerts on any intrusions. 

Brighter Is Safer And Inexpensive- 

Now you can have both brightness, security, and savings. With the integration of dusk to dawn sensors, you can optimize the energy consumption of your outdoor lightings. Dusk to dawn sensors will switch the lights according to the intensity of sunlight. 

With LEDs, brighter is safer, and more energy-efficient. No matter how glary it gets, with motion sensors, no intrusions can go undetected. 

Brightness With More Visibility

LED security lights are not only brighter, but also they render great colors. No matter what time it is, you will see things as they are. LED pole lights are not only brighter, but also they render better colors. They have a higher CRI of more than 70, which means that they can show better colors. 

Security Lights Need Some Safety Too- 

LED security lights are used to keep intruders at bay, minimize crime incidents. For this reason alone, they are frequently prone to attacks by the intruders. For this reason alone, securing the security lights is also important. 

These lights are mounted high above the floor. Lights these days come with robust built, to cut that extra trouble of securing lights.  

They have a metallic frame, and the LED chip sare covered with polycarbonate materials. IP rating is just cherry on the top. 

Before Buying Make Sure Of A few Things-

What DO You Want With Your Lighting?

Security lighting is not just about security. They serve more than one purpose. 

“Imagine you are playing tennis, playing an important match. An outstanding game is going on, and just before the deciding moment, the light in your arena gives away. What an embarrassing situation that will be! This is where LED flood lights take center stage. 

Specially designed to light up large areas, LED flood lights are the perfect solutions to light up stadiums, billboards, sports arenas, etc.”

There are many uses of each light. 

You decide where do you want to use the security lights. The use cases range widely. One can use high mounted floodlights to light up their entire backyard. There are path lights to light up pathways and stair climbing. 

Some floodlights are also used for decorative as well as security purposes. 

Lightings For Decorative Purposes-

As discussed earlier, LED security lights are not just for security. 

We all have possessions we want to flaunt around, You love that home of yours, but something is missing. Your entranceway is missing that welcoming charm. 

Whether it’s a commercial or a residential place, entranceways are essential. The first impression you could create with them on your guests is generally the last one. LED-wall light comes in handy here. 

These lights help you achieve the wall grazing effect. They come in tow versions up-lighting and down-lighting, while up and down are the directions of the beam. This is just an additional purpose these lights serve. The grazing effect created by these lights keep intruders outside. These lights thus have two in one functionality. 

Weather Considerations-

LED pole lights or any other LED security lights are installed for outdoor purposes only. They are exposed to wet weather to different levels. While some are installed under the roofs, they are generally tolerant of dampness. 

LED pole lights that are entirely exposed have complete water resistance(IP rating).


LED security lights are dimmable. One can control the light output intensity of the LED pole lights with the help of dimmer. 

Dimmable lights are even more power efficient, thanks to the additional features like dimmers. 

Ip rating

LED pole lights are durable and waterproof, and IP rating is a testament to it. Most of the LED pole lights come with an IP65 rating. IP rating attests to the fact that your lights will last longer than you can think or imagine. 

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