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Madison County Gives A Thumbs Up To LED Light Bulbs!

Madison County Gives A Thumbs Up To LED Light Bulbs!
Madison County Gives A Thumbs Up To LED Light Bulbs!
Madison County Gives A Thumbs Up To LED Light Bulbs!
Madison County Gives A Thumbs Up To LED Light Bulbs!

The LED technology is taking the streets and households of America by the sweep of time!

The alarming condition of our planet has compelled the human race to search for alternative energy sources. LED, Light Emitting Diodes is a technology tested for its durable and environmentally friendly feature.

A LED light has a life of 50,000 working hours and is certified by DLC, ETL, and RoHS that ensures that these lights do not emit any harmful greenhouse gasses. 

The benefits of LED lighting will now be shining in the locality of Medison County. 

The news was published in a local news portal. The story read that, Madison County saved more than $47,000 on energy costs this past year after switching electric providers.

“We try not to forget this is the taxpayers’ money and we need to be careful with it,” says County Board Chairman Kurt Prenzler. The news shares the details amount of money saved with such a switch to LED Bulbs.

 The Facilities Director Rob Schmidt said the county switched electric providers in April 2019 and gained a net savings of $15,266 after paying a $32,520 termination fee with its previous provider. The actual cost for electric usage was $47,786 from June to November. 

According to Schmidt’s estimation, the bulb replacement will save the county approximately $67,900 in annual energy costs.

He further said that the county would continue to see more savings because the county replaced 12,608 lightbulbs with LED bulbs through Ameren Illinois’ Energy Efficiency Program at 15 of the county’s 26 facilities.

Madison County has tried this replacement four years ago when the county took part in Ameren’s program to replace its T12 bulbs with T8, which reduced the county’s electric bills. Lighting accounts for 20-50 percent of the average business’s electricity consumption.

LED Light Bulbs are bright lights that can decorate your home with energy-efficient technology. The lighting industry is reaching efficiency and efficacy rate as no other, news designs are been innovated at the community level. We see this effort of state-wise municipalities and government bodies to ensure such cost-effective and environmentally friendly power consumption. 

County Board member Clint Jones appreciates, “ Mr. Schmidt has done a great job in finding ways to save the county money, It’s not just a savings for the county, but for the taxpayer.” 

The responsibility to light our environment by not hurting the ecosystem is a must-to-do decision. The money saved on utility bills will also give financial assistance to other community services. 

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