If it were a war, LED bulbs are the gladiator who have slaughtered every last incandescent or fluorescent bulb still standing. But in the real world, LED bulbs are gradually taking stride.
According to the Department of Energy’s (DOE) 2016 study, Energy Savings Forecast of Solid-State Lighting in General Illumination Applications predicts that LED lighting will represent 86% of all lighting sales by 2035.
This means bad news for conventional lighting, in every aspect of the word. These not-so innocent conventional lighting, are guilty of not being energy efficient and of not helping slow down global warming, which LED lights do.
There are numerous other reasons why LED conventional bulbs must hate LED bulbs. Let us have a detailed look at those reasons.
Advantage LED Bulbs
- LEDs save energy: Energy efficiency is probably the most important reasons why conventional bulbs must hate LED bulbs. LEDs convert 95% of the energy into light and only a mere 5% of the electricity is converted into heat. This is in (tony) stark contrast to conventional bulbs which just convert 10% of the electricity into light and the rest 90% is converted into heat.
The only advantage of having an incandescent bulb is that you will not need a heater during winters to keep yourself warm, your oldy bulbs can burn through you (and through your pockets).

- LEDs are eco-friendly: LED technology because they generate less heat. But that’s not all, LEDs are also good for the planet because they consume less electricity therefore less electricity is demanded from the grid resulting in a reduction of emission of greenhouse gases.
This long life can also be attributed to the fact that there are no moving parts, no harmful substance and almost no amount of heat generated in these bulbs. LED bulbs shame the conventional bulbs when it comes down to runtime.
- 2000 Kelvin is the color temperature which emits a dim glow of light similar to candlelight and this CCT is used where ambient light is preferred.
- a soft white light appears often yellowish in color in the range of 2000-3000 Kelvin. This is used for lighting up the dining room, living room, bedrooms, etc.
- a bright white light is given at 3100-4500 Kelvin which finds its uses in offices, workspaces and kitchens where task lighting is needed.
- 4600-6500 Kelvin is similar to daylight and is best for display area and places where very bright illumination is required.
- Lighting with a CCT of more than 6500 Kelvin is a bright bluish hue of light and is best for places where very bright illumination is needed.
Now that you know why you should choose LED bulbs, let us now look at how you should make that choice and what factors to consider.

What should you consider while buying LED bulbs
- Choose the right color temperature: LED Bulbs that give out soft white light are suitable for cozy spaces such as the living rooms and bedrooms since they provide a warm cozy ambiance. Bright white LED bulbs are best suited for Kitchens, bathrooms and garages since they give out a refreshing and cool light. Daylight white LED bulbs are best installed in study rooms, work rooms where energizing white light suits the purpose.
- Pick the right wattage equivalency: Before buying your LED bulbs make sure that you are choosing the right wattage to replace your existing fixture. Because of the fact that LED bulbs are highly efficient, a lower watt LED bulb will give you the same amount of luminosity as would a higher watt CFL or incandescent bulb.
- A type LED bulbs find their uses in Household use, study room, living rooms, kitchens etc
- BR Type LED bulbs are mainly used in showrooms, retail stores, track lights and the likes of such.
- The primary application of PAR Style bulbs is in showrooms, malls, retail stores etc.
- MR Style LED bulb is used for decorative purposes and is often found in entrances, lobbies, reception area, hotel areas etc.
- PL Style bulb find their uses of these bulbs are in homes, convenience stores, shops, hotels, motels.
Since time immemorial the advancement in technology has defined mankind and the same applies to the lighting industry.

The first generation of incandescent bulbs was succeeded by fluorescent technology and after that came LED technology which swep-t every form of lighting fixture. From bulbs to flood lights to warehouse lighting to even cell-phone screens.
In the beginning of LED’s discovery, adoption was low due to the high initial cost of LEDs. But with time this cost gradually came down and now the LED technology is spelling doom for the previous generations.
With a better DNA, a better immunity and better performance, it will not be long before LEDs will wipe out every other lighting technology from this planet. It will just be a matter of time in which the research will advance 9in the LED technology and cost will further come down resulting in mass adoption of LD technology all around the globe and not just in developed and developing countries.